Make cow restraint and management easier, automatically
Cow Restraints are automatically lowered and raised, when used in conjunction with ECR-S or ECR Plus cup removers, making it easier to manage animals on your rotary platform.
Activated by a hydraulic ram, the Cow Restraints drop automatically after cupping, to keep the cow in the stall, and lift when the cow finishes milking allowing her to exit the platform. If the cups are kicked off, the restraint stays down so the cow is presented back to the operator for inspection. Waikato Cow Restraints are made from flexible but durable plastic and can easily be retrofitted into existing farm dairies.
Cow Restraints save on labour by allowing you to restrain your cows automatically.
Save time and money
Saves labour by eliminating the need for an operator at Cups Off
Optional lower setting only
Can be set to only lower BailGate if needed (alarms or still milking at bridge)
Customisable alarms
Select which alarms will retain an animal to suit your farm’s milking procedures
What's included
- Brackets
- Rubber Strap