Low Line System
Low Line milking systems are renown for maintaining stable vacuum during milking and are capable of milking faster than smaller more conventional pipeline systems.
Designed to maximise milking efficiency and their ease of use, a Waikato Low Line's offers a reliable, well proven solution for swing-over In-Line parlours. A Waikato Low Line in this configuration is aptly called a 75mm double up low line. It uses two 75mm milk pipes configured in a low line parlour. Like its 75mm mid-line counterpart, the Loopline version too, is modular in construction and installed to strict company guidelines thus ensuring that product integrity is maintained to a very high standard. Operating a Waikato Lowline is a simple, understandable process made easy by the quality of the engineering, the placement of valves and the power of the slug wash system. Like other machines in our range, high tech products complement an excellent machine chassis and a range of additional options are available to further enhance the performance of the system. Modern electronic technologies provide products with greater life spans and less maintenance, products that are upgradable and products that can be tailored to best suit your needs. When you choose a Waikato Low Line, you are taking advantage of many years of development aimed specifically at providing the best Loopline solution possible, a machine that will perform above your expectations for many years to come and a machine that will cost less to operate than most competitor offerings. The Low Line configuration is such that the milk goes from the cow, downhill, there is no need to draw it up. The Low Line system has one of the oldest known configurations and suits automation well because it can be put on either side of the dairy. It was designed originally for high producing northern hemisphere cows but it has been adopted over time to suit any purpose. Its real benefit is when there are two groups of milkers, one on each side.
Greater vacuum stability
Fast efficient milking
High performance wash system